
What we do to help the environment every day?

We work together - our entire staff is involved in environmentally-friendly work and a part of our work is training on environmental matters.

We separate waste carefully and efficiently - waste suitable for reuse is sent for recycling. We have a recycling point for our customers at the reception.

We use less water -we wash economically and efficiently our guest rooms are equipped with water-efficient showers and faucets.

We use energy-saving bulbs and LED bulbs - These are used in at least half of all lighting fixtures. Every time we change a light bulb, we choose an environmentally-friendly option.

We recommend environmentally-friendly modes of transportation - you can choose from rental bikes, city scooters in the summer months, walking poles and public transport. Our staff members also favour environmentally-friendly modes of transport in their work commutes. We offer free charging for electric cars in our garage for our guests.

We offer always organic and local food and a vegetarian option in our restaurant.

We maintain the property’s equipment from air conditioning to the refrigerators in good working condition, which leads to energy-efficient operation.

We communicate our actions for the environment and their impact.

We encourage our guests to join in - In each room, there are tips about what you as a hotel guest can do to help save the environment.

We make sure to respect your wishes - if you hang up your towel, we will not replace it.

We help you to enjoy our wonderful Finnish nature - our hotel provides information about the nearby nature destinations.

We are a Green Key Hotel

As recognition for our environmental development work, our hotel has been granted the international Green Key certificate. Green Key certified hotels are committed to increasing the staff’s and customers’ awareness of the environment, making the use of energy and water more efficient, and minimising the environmental burden of accommodation operations. The label is based on environmental criteria designed for the accommodation industry and participants are committed to complying with the criteria and reporting on the monitored operations.

Our guest rooms are equipped with bins for sorting waste and guests are encouraged to minimise the use of water, electricity and laundry services. Temperature can be controlled individually in each room and our entire hotel uses green energy. Guest rooms are cleaned using environmentally-friendly detergents. Energy efficiency is monitored through the building-specific management system.

Green Key certified hotels are committed to complying with the environmental criteria specified in the international Green Key programme. There are altogether 60 mandatory basic criteria, which the hotels must meet. They relate, for example, to the use of water, saving energy, cleaning, waste, increasing environmental awareness and active communication. The criteria is publicly available here.

The Green Key program is managed by the international FEE (Foundation for Environmental Education). In Finland, Green Key labels are granted by Suomen Ympäristökasvatus Oy, which also monitors their use. 

The certification is granted for one year at a time. The decisions to grant Green Key certificates are made by a national panel of judges.

Sustainable Travel Finland

Our hotel has been awarded the Sustainable Travel Finland label by Visit Finland. The goal of the Sustainable Travel Finland label is to promote sustainable tourism in Finland, communicate Finland more consistently as a sustainable travel destination, facilitate travelers' choices when making travel decisions, and initiate and increase cooperation in sustainable tourism between municipalities and other public entities, regional organizations, and businesses. To receive the label, a company must meet the criteria created by Visit Finland, which considers economic, ecological, social, and cultural sustainability. Companies and destinations that have received the label are audited regularly.

Sustainable tourism is committed to positively impacting nature, society, and the economy, leaving a small ecological footprint and respecting local cultures. Obtaining the STF label complements Hotel Haaga Central Park's longstanding commitment to sustainable tourism. Previously, we have also received the international Green Key certification.

Read more about the STF label:

Act on the Contractor's Obligations and Liability
In our invites to tender, we also expect our subcontractors to comply with our requirements of corporate responsibility. We are, for instance, the preferred provider of meeting and accommodation services for the state administration as per the related framework agreement. One of the criteria when tendering for these agreements is that the company has deployed an environmental programme and that the company is, in other terms as well, a responsible operator that meets its legal obligations. The same guidelines apply to our subcontractors.

Our company meets the responsibilities set forth in the Act on the Contractor's Obligations and Liability by participating in the Luotettava Kumppani (Reliable Partner) program. Through this service, it is easy to confirm whether the company has paid the various financial, social security and other statutory fees and taxes to the authorities.

In our invitations to tender, we follow the principle that out of two equal tenders, we choose the more responsible service provider. Our business also subscribes to an e-newsletter called Responsibility News.

The OVA self-monitoring system is a comprehensive way to meet all self-monitoring needs of the kitchens, as it takes even the smallest details into account. All devices transmit the monitored details to the system, which automatically compiles self-monitoring reports based on the measurement data. If the results exceed the set limits, the system sends out an immediate notification. The system is always tailored to the requirements of each location. Experts determine the requirements set for the self-monitoring of a location, select the most appropriate products based on the purpose of use and premises, as well as install the devices and make them ready for use.


greenleaders Green Key GDPR Compliance 2019 D-Fence Oy
Sustainable Travel Finland